
Process Safety Management (PSM) Implementation from grass root level

Process Safety Management Implementation / Augmentation:

Most of the industries get satisfied with good Workplace Safety performance. They get surprise when some Incident happens.

Process Safety management focus on Prevention of Incidents and Sustainability of Safety Management. It is just like Technical Function of the company. It encompasses Technology, Facility and People competency.

It deals with :

·         What can go wrong ?

·         How likely is it ?

·         What are the impacts ?


The Summary of these elements are mentioned below:

1.   Process Safety Information : This is also known as Process Knowledge. Comprehensive Documentation for Process knowledge throughout the Life Cycle of facility for safe operation & maintenance is the aim for this element. It mainly covers :

·         Equipment Design basis

·         Plant Design Basis / Technology

·         Hazards of process chemicals or materials

2.   Process Hazard Analysis: Systematic identification of inherent hazards in process or activity, Evaluate the consequences and likelihood of Incidents / Accidents, Dangerous occurrence / Hazardous scenarios and Assess the Risk against the company’s defined criteria.

·         What-If / Checklist Analysis

·         Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)

·         Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

·         Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)

·         Event Tree Analysis (ETA)

·         Cause-Consequence Analysis

3.   Operating Procedure (OP) & Safe Work Practices (SWP) :

  • Operating Procedure (OP): provide a clear set of instructions in a sequential manner to perform the task safely including clear understanding of parameters for safe operation of the process for the operators.

          It should incorporate different process modes (Start up, Normal, Emergency), Operating limits, Health & Safety aspects for operator, Inbuilt Safety systems & its working.

  • Safe Work Practices (SWP): provide a carefully planned system of procedures and/or permits involving checks and authorizations prior to doing non-routine work in process areas. Different work permits are:

·         Hot Work Permit (HWP)

·         Confined Space Entry / Vessel Entry Permit (VEP)

·         Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO)

·         Work at Height Permit

·         Line Break Permit

·         Permit to work on Electrical distribution system.

·         Excavation Permit

·         Heavy Lifting Equipment Movement permit

·         Specific area vehicle entry permit (VEP)

·         Access to process areas by unauthorized personnel


4.   Management of Change (MOC) :

Management of change (MOC) is a process for evaluating and controlling modifications carried out in Design of facility, Technology, Equipment, Process chemical, Operation / Activities prior to its actual execution and changes to facilities that affect a covered process. It helps to ensure that changes to a process do not inadvertently introduce new hazards or unknowingly increase the risk of existing hazards. Changes are thoroughly scrutinized prior to its implementation. MOC is essential to maintain or enhance the safety originally designed into a facility.

MOC procedures shall assure that the following considerations are addressed prior to any change:

  1. The technical basis for the proposed change;
  2. Impact of change on safety and health;
  3. Modifications to operating procedures;
  4. Necessary time period for the change;
  5. Authorization requirements for the proposed change.


5.   Quality Assurance (QA) : 

 Quality assurance efforts mainly focus on Design, Procurement, Receipt & Installation considering following:

  • Ensuring equipment meets Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice (RAGAGEP).
  • Equipment should confirm to the applicable Codes, Standards and Regulations of the region.
  • Assure that equipment is fabricated & designed in accordance with design specifications & is suitable for the process application for which it will be used.
  • Safety requirements are established during Delivery, Storage & Transportation as per specifications.
  • Appropriate checks and inspections shall be performed to assure that equipment is installed properly and consistent with design specifications and the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Assure that maintenance materials, spare parts and equipment are suitable for the process application for which they will be used.

6. Pre Start-up Safety Review (PSSR)  :

The Pre Start-up Safety Review (PSSR) provides a final check of new and modified equipment to confirm that all appropriate elements of process safety have been assessed and addressed satisfactorily prior to using the process (commissioning, introducing hazardous chemicals, or introducing energy) and the facility is safe to operate, including: 

    • Legal compliances
    • All relevant elements of PSM have been appropriately addressed (PSM assessment).
    • Basic safety, health and environmental and Fire-Protection & Fire Prevention items have been checked during a physical inspection of the facility.
    • Certify that the facility is safe to start up.

7. Mechanical Integrity (MI) :  

Mechanical Integrity (MI) is an implementation program which ensures that important equipment will be suitable for its intended use throughout the life of an operation. MI program focuses on maintaining and continuously improving a system integrity. MI program covers


1.   Maintenance strategies

2.   Selection of a PSM Critical Equipments

3.   Maintenance procedures

4.   Training to applicable personnel

5.   Inspection, Testing, Preventive Maintenance (ITPM)

6.   Spares Management

7.   Repairs & Changes

Mechanical Integrity (MI) programs vary according to industry, regulatory requirements, geography and plant culture.


8. Training & Performance :

The purpose of Training element is to increase employees & contractors awareness on process hazards, Hazards identification, Actions taken to operate & maintain facility within safe established limits, Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response. Different types of trainings at different frequency for different groups of people by different trainers (Internal or External) with validation as per company’s requirement are considered. It covers Training Need Identification (TNI) of Programs, Training Objectives, Conducting Training, Evaluation of its effectiveness and improvements on it.  

9.Contractor Safety Management (CSM) :

The overall objective of CSM is to improve contractor safety performance by fulfilling :

·         To select the contractors based on their past safety performance & capability to meet organization safety requirements.

·         To identify & communicate the required involvement and accountability of contractor before contract is awarded.

·         To ensure that all site contractors are aligned with organization’s Safety Policy & Rules and are trained before work is started.

·         To ensure that all site contractors are in compliance with contractual agreement and safety performance is evaluated.

Active and ongoing participation of contractors are essential to enhance the company/ contractor relationship by clearly defining roles and responsibilities, establishing expectations and maintaining communication throughout the relationship. Following steps are performed in CSM :

1.   Contractor Pre-Qualification

2.   Contract Preparation / Purchase Requisition (PR)

3.   Contract Award

4.   Training and Orientation

5.   Contractor Work Management & Field Audits

6.   Contractor Safety Performance Evaluation

10. Incident Investigation :

It includes :

·         Pre-planning

·         Initial response with notification to concerned team.

·         Initial incident reporting & its classification.

·         HSE investigation process (Team formation, Evidence identification, Collection and Management, Witness Interviews, Evidence analysis, Determination of Causal Factors and Root Causes, Recommendations, Report preparation)

·         Communication of the findings

·         Implementation of Recommendations and Follow-up system

·         Continuous improvement through Lessons Learned

11. Emergency Planning and Response :

It is a well-known fact that Accidents can occur in world class process safety maintaining facility also.

This element improves the speed and efficiency of response during any emergency (On-Site / Off-Site) and hence minimize the impacts of an incident. Planning part mainly focuses on readiness or preparedness (How to handle an incident before it happens?). Response part focuses on Actions taken by different groups during emergency to contain the situation within shortest time.

A Well-Practiced Emergency Plan covers :

  • Mitigation of impact
  • Termination of release and prompt control of emergency
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Activation of emergency action plan, including notification of and coordination of effort with appropriate emergency response organization
  • Notification of affected personnel
  • Notification of appropriate regulatory agencies
  • Effective Evacuation (Escape and evacuation routes and plans)
  • Resources Management
  • Personnel accounting
  • Rescue operations including medical assistance
  • Designation of primary and alternate emergency control centres.
  • Facility Clean-up, Disposal.
  • Facility Restoration.


12. Auditing :

  • Audit provides a measurement of compliance against established Process Safety Management Program, Safety Management System or Standards.
  • It is required to achieve Process Safety Management (PSM) elements sustainable & continual progress by auditing each element.
  • It’s a Validation & Verification process.
  • Audit Criteria, Audit Scope and Audit findings vary with scale of organization, safety culture, level of implementation, Hazardous substances and processes handled, Human factor etc.
  • Audits are key tools in the establishment, measurement, maintenance, and continuous improvement of process safety performance.

After reviewing the above Elements, How NEXA PSE will work for you to implement or augment the existing PSM system ?

NEXA PSE follows the internationally accepted Risk Based Process Safety guidelines.

NEXA PSE begins assignment by carrying out a GAP analysis to know where the facility stands from the PSM point of view. This will help to decide the forward path. After that training programs and workshops are arranged so that it will introduce PSM to all tiers of workforce.

Methodology include:

  • PSM Gap Analysis
  • PSM training (Overall and Element wise)
  • Development of Organogram for implementation
  • Preparation of procedures for each element relevant to the organisation.
  • Handholding of element implementation to custodian team
  • Implementation of each element on small scale in plant/departments
  • Revisiting the procedures in lieu of small-scale implementation experience
  • Continuous follow up and maintaining the system
  • Sustaining the PSM

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)

Hazard Identification : The pinpointing of material,system, process and plant characteristics that can produce undesirable consequences through the occurrence of an incident. 

Risk Assessment : The process by which the results of risk analysis ( i.e risk estimates) are used to make decision,either through relative ranking of risk reduction strategies or through comparison with risk targets.

Hazardous Area Classification (HAC)

HAC is a method of analysing, classifying and delineation of any particular hazardous areas where explosive gas atmospheres may occur to allow the proper selection of electrical apparatus to be installed in that Area/ Environment considering height, ventilation, standards of maintenance, type of apparatus, operation and competent personnel available for inspection, which may affect the nature and extent of the hazard. When electrical equipment is to be installed in or about a hazardous area, it is frequently possible by care in the layout of the installation to locate much of the equipment in less hazardous or non-hazardous areas, and thus reduce the amount of special equipment required.

Lightening Protection Risk Assessment

The Lightening Protection study carried out as per IS/IEC 62305 & NFPA 780 considering following :

  • Ensure that Lightning Protection system fully satisfy the legal requirements and those of the company’s written policies, objectives and progress.
  • The general technical aspects of lightning, illustrating its principal electrical, thermal and mechanical effects. Guidance is given on how to assess the risk of being struck.
  • We also provide guidance on good engineering practice and the selection of suitable materials. Recommendations are made for special cases such as product warehouse, plant structure & buildings.
  • Where current carrying conductors are directly associated with structures coming within the scope, certain recommendations relating to them are included; however, the protection of overhead telephone wires, radar stations, electric traction and supply lines should, on account of their special nature, be referred to the specialists

MOC & Pre-start up Safety Reviews

The PSSR is a safety review conducted prior to start-up of a new or modified processing/manufacturing plant or facility to ensure that installations meet the original design or operating intent, to catch and re-assess any potential hazard due to changes during the detailed engineering and construction phase of a project. In other words, it ensures the “Ready for Start-up” status of process facility/units. The PSSR provides a final checkpoint for new and modified equipments/facilities to confirm that all appropriate HSE elements have been addressed satisfactorily and the facility is safe to start up. Objectives of Pre Start up Safety Review (PSSR) are to ensure the following:

  •  New or modified facilities and equipment are built and installed in accordance with design requirements
  •  All operating procedures (developed) and related process operator training are adequate and completed prior to the introduction of hazardous materials into the process
  •  Safety reviews are conducted 
  •  All recommendations from Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) are implemented prior to start-up.

Fire Risk Assessment

Fire Risk Assessment covers :

1. Fire load calculation as per rule 66-A of The Gujarat Factories Rule 1963 & expression in terms of Gross Fire Load & Fire Load density.

2. Verify current firefighting arrangement (Fire extinguishers, Fire hydrant line, Sprinkler system, Smoke detection) with respect to current fire load (Fire Load Density) in each area.

3. Access healthiness of fire hydrant system, also adequacy check for its design parameter and layout at various plants whether they are meeting standard requirement or not.

4. Adequacy of existing fire protection system (Fire protection): - Assessment of existing Fire Protection System; - Pressure Drop Calculation of Existing Fire Hydrant System - Physical inspection of fire protection system (fire hydrant network & fire sprinkler system), - Fire extinguishers for its adequacy.

5. Lay out drawing of Fire Hydrant network and Fire Extinguishers review as per the TAC Fire Protection Manual.

Mechanical Integrity and Quality Assurance (MIQA)

Mechanical Integrity : MI is the programmatic implementation of activities necessary to ensure that important equipment will be suitable for its intended application throughout the life of an operation. MI programs vary according to industry, regulatory requirements, geography and plant culture. Mechanical Integrity covers 

 1. Maintenance Procedures
 2. Training
 3. Spares
 4. Maintenance Strategies
 5. Test & Inspection
 6. Repairs & Changes.

Quality Assurance : Quality assurance efforts focus on ensuring that new process equipment is: 
1. Designed & fabricated in accordance with RAGAGEP specifications.
2. Delivered and stored in proper condition & location.
3. Assembled and installed properly.

MIQA is common-sense and best practice for achieving MAINTENANCE EXCELLENCE.

PSM Gap Analysis

It is a gap analysis to know where the facility stands from the PSM point of view. This exercise highlights the priorities to start with and bring the implementation forward path in ordered way for workshops and training programs for easy integration of PSM into the regular workings of the facility. Process safety concepts are considered with a view to identifying gaps and issues with current methods in order to develop better methodologies for PSM implementation.

Facility Siting for new projects

Although some facility siting considerations such as initial site selection are one time decisions, many facility location/layout and personnel protection factors can change significantly over time as e.g surrounding population encroach, plant capacity increase and new materials are brought on site.

That is why facility siting is not a one time exercise but should be done with each successive hazards entry. Facility siting considers :

  • Facility location with respect to its surroundings.
  • Facility Layout and spacing of equipment and buildings.
  • Personnel protection in occupied buildings.

Existing Fire Protection System Adequacy Studies

  • Fire load calculation as per the Factories Act
  • Fire load density on each floor/ warehouse/occupied building.
  • Fire protection adequacy study for existing Hydrant Network and Sprinkler system.
  • Existing Portable Fire Extinguishers requirement as per the TAC. 
  • Competency assessment of Fire crew members and ERT members.
  • Protection of combustible material storage.
  • Security vigilance survey from Fire Point of view.
  • Verify current firefighting arrangement (Fire extinguishers, Fire hydrant line, Sprinkler system, Smoke detection) with respect to current fire load (Fire Load Density) in each area.
  • Access, healthiness of fire hydrant system, also adequacy check for its design parameter and layout at various plants whether they are meeting standard requirement or not.
  • Lay out drawing of Fire Hydrant network and Fire Extinguishers will be reviewed as per the TAC Fire Protection Manual. 
  • Physical inspection of fire protection system (Fire hydrant network & Fire sprinkler system)
  • Identification of Potential Fire situations where Fire Risk has to be mitigated

Tank farm safety risk assessment

Tank Farm Safety Risk Assessment covers :

1. Safety Management Adequacy Study for Dyke :-

  • Tank Dyke meets the legal/statutory requirements
  • Review of  Dyke design for adequacy of stored tank quantity & service
  • Carry out systematic, critical appraisal of all potential hazards involved inside dyke & nearby tank storage area.
  • Fire Protection system adequacy

 2. Underground Storage Tanks Adequacy study :-

  • Underground Storage Tanks are meeting the statutory/legal requirements
  • Review of Underground storage tanks design.
  • Observe & list safety critical parameters during site/field visit considering safety related design aspect (Process, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Instrumentation etc.)
 3. Possible Tanks Service Interchangeability study :- 

  • Review tanks current service and interchangeability as per company’s requirement.
  • Modifications required before any tank service change.

Chemical Reaction Hazards

All chemical reactions implicitly involve energy changes (energy of activation + energy of reaction), for these are the driving force. The majority of reactions liberate energy as heat (occasionally as light or sound) and are termed exothermic. In a minority of reactions, the reaction energy is absorbed into the products, when both the reaction and its products are described as endothermic. All reactive hazards involve the release of energy in quantities or at rates too high to be absorbed by the immediate environment of the reacting system, and material damage results. The source of the energy may be an exothermic multi-component reaction, or the exothermic decomposition of a single unstable (often endothermic) compound.

All measures to minimize the possibility of occurrence of reactive chemical hazards are therefore directed at controlling the extent and rate of release of energy in a reacting system. Some of the factors which contribute to the possibility of excessive energy release are

  • Kinetic factors
  • Adiabatic Systems
  • Reactivity vs. Composition and Structure
  • Reaction Mixtures

Dust Explosion Study

Airborne dust created by the handling of many industrial materials can combine in an air/dust mixture that could result in a violent, damaging explosion. A combustible dust is defined by the NFPA (Standards 68 and 654) as “any finely divided solid material 420 microns or smaller in diameter which presents a hazard when dispersed or ignited in air.” ISO is even more conservative and reports any finely divided solid material smaller in diameter 500 microns may present an explosion hazard. Most organic (carbon containing) and metallic dust will exhibit some combustibility characteristics. Therefore, if dust is present in any form within a working environment efforts should be taken to assess whether the potential for a hazard exists or not, and to devise appropriate practices and safeguards to mitigate the risks.

Dust explosions can result when a flame propagates through combustible particles that have dispersed in the air and formed a flammable dust cloud. Whether an explosion happens or not depends on the supply of oxygen to the fire and the concentration of the fuel. If the concentration of the oxygen or the fuel is too high or low, then an explosion is very unlikely.

Industrial dust explosions can be instigated by many sources, including static sparks, friction and glowing or smoldering materials. But before dust can explode, the following factors need to be present:

  • The dust must be combustible.
  • The dust must be capable of becoming airborne.
  • The dust must have a size distribution capable of flame propagation.
  • The dust concentration must be within the explosion limits. 
  • An ignition source must be present. 
  • The atmosphere must contain sufficient oxygen to support and sustain combustion.

Explosions are defined as sudden reactions involving a rapid physical or chemical oxidation reaction, or decay generating an increase in temperature or pressure, or both simultaneously.

What if & HAZOP study

A HAZOP is a qualitative study used to identify potential hazards and operability concerns, and to facilitate consensus on recommendations that arise. The study identifies process deviations from design intent and their potential consequences. The “guideword” HAZOP technique is the most widely applied in industry. In a guideword HAZOP, a dedicated team studies available process information (such as Process and Instrumentation Diagrams) and systematically applies the guidewords with appropriate parameters to the various lines and vessels in the process to determine if a deviation from the design intent or normal process condition is possible. The cause, consequence, safeguards, and recommendations, if needed, are documented for each piece of equipment discussed. A HAZOP team is typically composed of individuals representing a variety of technical specialties.

Each session should include representations from the following areas:
  • Process Engineering
  • Operations
  • Maintenance/Reliability
  • Instrumentation
 Additional specialized team members may be required when effective discussion of the events and consequences in that node depend on an individual’s experience or knowledge, such as the disciplines of:
  • Inspection / Materials
  • Electrical
  • Safety / Loss Prevention
  • Environmental
The guidewords and parameters used in a HAZOP depend on the study, and can also vary by operating company. Additional guidewords and parameters may be added to the PHA, if appropriate for the process being studied. NEXA PSE can provide experienced Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) and Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) Experts. HAZOPs are largely carried out in the client’s offices with specialist support provided by NEXA PSE. Projects undertaken by the Company can range from conceptual engineering to detailed design and can include analytical services & operations support.

Quantitative Risk Assesment (QRA)

Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) is a formalized tool for assessing the risk exposure to employees, the environment, company assets and its reputation. Using quantified analysis and complex modelling software the QRA can estimate the hazard frequency and analyse the worst-case potential consequences (e.g. toxic effects, pool fires, jet fires, explosions etc.). These results can then be compared with the acceptance criteria and recommendations made based on Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and evaluation of additional risk reduction measures. For consequence analysis, NEXA PSE typically uses the ALOHA Software. ALOHA examines the progress of a potential incident from the initial release to far-field dispersion of flammable and toxic materials for both gaseous and two-phase releases. Consequence analysis determines the consequence of hazardous events as a result of pressurized releases of hydrocarbons. ALOHA models for discharge, dispersion and formations of Pool Fires, Jet Fires, Flash Fires and Vapor cloud explosion can be carried out. If toxic materials are present in the product composition, toxic releases for consequence analysis can be modeled.

Adequacy study of Relief system

Pressure systems requires more focus on Relief System for Equipment & Plant safety. Adequacy study of Relief System considers following aspects :

1. A Strategy for Major Accidental Release Prevention

  • Proper Design Practice
  • Construction to Standard
  • Safe Operation
  • Management Surveillance

2. A Strategy for Emergency Relief System Design
  • Methodology
  • Hazard Identification
  • Assessment of Risk
  • Mitigation of Consequences

3. An Approach to Emergency Relief System Design Assessment
  •  Strategy
  •  Prevention
  • Moderation (Relief)
  • Containment

Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)

Operating companies are often challenged with making the right decision in balancing safe and reliable plants with limited labour and financial resources. Additionally, many operating companies in the India have specific requirements to perform Process Hazards Analysis (PHAs) that conform to national or local statutory regulations. A PHA is a form of hazard analysis that can take many forms, from qualitative to semi-quantitative to fully quantitative.

Hazard Evaluation Techniques are :
  • Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Studies
  • Preliminary Hazard Analysis
  • Event Tree Analysis
  • Fault Tree Analysis
  • What- If Analysis
  • What-If/Checklist Analysis
  • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • Cause-Consequence Analysis
  • Checklist Analysis
  • Safety Review

PHAs can save companies money by not only averting risks, but also by identifying opportunities to prioritize safeguards through risk-ranking techniques. NEXA PSE’s experienced staff can assist clients in selecting and implementing the right method to evaluate activities as varied as traditional process, offshore/onshore production, pipeline, instrumented and electrical distribution systems, as well as specific activities such as written procedures, crane operations, among many others. Uniquely among major process risk consultancies, NEXA PSE PHA staff has an average of more than 35 years of experience in the process industry and PHA activities, and many also have related certifications. Thus we are able to draw upon past experiences that may well be beyond the background of the members of the client PHA team, enhancing the knowledge and depth of the analysis. Apart from being a valuable tool to assess risk, the various methods of PHA can also be utilized to resolve risk concerns related to specific scenarios. Often these are high-risk or extremely complicated scenarios, which could require integrating several analysis methods. NEXA PSE assists clients by providing the most experienced risk analysts in the industry, along with best-in-breed quantitative tools that can resolve questions about event severity and likelihood as part of the study.